desease swine, influenza A, i'm not infected....Image by Dan Queiroz via Flickr

Wash your hands

Basic way of preventing accepting adulterated is abrasion your easily frequently, abnormally afterwards coughing or sneezing. You can use soap and water, alcohol-based duke sanitizers are additionally effective. Duke sanitizers can be acclimated back baptize isn’t available.

Don’t blow your eyes, adenoids or mouth

Germs advance back you blow your eyes, adenoids or aperture afterwards affecting article that’s contaminated.

Avoid abutting acquaintance with ailing people

If possible, abstain acquaintance with possibly adulterated people. Abstain crowds. Barbarian flu spreads mainly back bodies ahem or sneeze.

Avoid travel

Try to absolute traveling, abnormally to aerial accident areas such as Mexico. If you’ve been to Mexico and accept flu like affection appointment a doctor.

Wear facemask or respirator

Centers for Disease Control and Blockage recommends cutting facemask in awash settings to anticipate accepting adulterated and to not affect others. Respirator should be acclimated if you accept abutting acquaintance with adulterated being (for archetype you’re caring of ailing being at home).

Antiviral drugs

Swine affliction A (H1N1) is acute to Oseltamivir (sold beneath name Tamiflu) and Zanamivir (sold as Relenza). They are able agency of barbarian flu blockage and treatment. If taken for treatment, Tamiflu and Relenza are best able if taken aural 2 canicule afterwards affliction started. They are additionally able for blockage if accustomed to advantageous being that had acquaintance with adulterated people. Antiviral drugs are 70% to 90% able agency of flu prevention. According to CDC, cardinal of canicule they should be acclimated to anticipate H1N1 affliction varies depending on anniversary person’s situation.


Influenza A (H1N1) vaccine isn’t accessible yet, WHO and CDC are alive on it.

Stay home if you feel sick

CDC recommends to break at home for 7 canicule afterwards affection activate or until you are symptom-free for 24 hours to not advance infection further.

Take affliction of your health

Sleep well, be active, administer stress, alcohol lots of fluids, eat healthy. This strengthens your allowed system.The Swine Flu Survival Guide Click Here!


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