Influenza A(H1N1)v infection - Update 23 June 2009, 17:00 hours CEST

[Original Document: LINK. EDITED.]

Main developments in past 24 hours

  • 215 new cases were reported in EU and EFTA countries;
  • Latvia has reported its first case;
  • 1845 new cases were reported from non-EU and EFTA countries;
  • The total of fatal cases worldwide is 239;
  • Seven fatal cases have been reported by Canada, Dominican Republic and Argentina and Australia since yesterday.

This report is based on official information provided by the national public health websites, or through other official communication channels. An update on the number of confirmed cases as of 23 June, 17:00 hours CEST, is presented in Table 1 and Table 2.

Disclaimer: the number of confirmed cases reported is based on laboratory test results, except for the US. Depending on the national laboratory testing policies, the actual number of cases by country may therefore be higher.

Epidemiological update

The number of EU and EFTA countries reporting cases is today 28 out of 31.

In the past 24 hours, 215 cases were confirmed in 16 EU and EFTA countries, with UK as main reporting country with 132 new cases (Table 1).

Latvia has today reported its first case in a traveller returning from USA.

The cumulative number of cases in the EU and EFTA countries is now 4 459, including one death.

Outside of the EU and EFTA countries, a total of 50 475 cases, including 238 deaths, have been reported, representing an increase of 1 845 from yesterday (Table 2).

WHO Guidelines on Laboratory and Virology

The following text provides hyperlinks to useful guidelines published by WHO on laboratory and virology issue related to A(H1N1)v virus.

Health care workers and the pandemic virus – Report from USA

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States has provided guidance for reducing the risk of transmission of influenza A(H1N1)v in health care settings in that country1 . At the same time as issuing these the CDC asked US State authorities for reports of health care professionals (HCP) with the novel influenza infection. There has now been the first report of that surveillance in the most recent issue of CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR)  click here .

That publication described the results for 48 cases of A(H1N1)v in HCP. Two of these were hospitalised. Neither required intensive care. For 26 of the 48 there was information on risk factors associated with how the infection was acquired. For 13 of the 26 it was considered most likely that the infection had been acquired in a health care setting, in one case from another HCP and for the other 12 from a patient. There were 11 cases where CDC reported enough information on the use of personal protective equipment to comment on whether this had been adequate compared to what is recommended 1 and in only three of these was there a report of use of a mask or a respirator.

The authors concluded that there needed to be reinforcement of messages about infection control. The results were also mentioned and discussed on the CDC weekly media broadcast on June 18th 2. That mentioned that a difficult and controversial issue in the USA is whether to require or recommend N95 masks or to stick to surgical masks outside of higher risk settings (where aerosols are being generated). Even though there is a preference for respirators from the infection control specialists in the USA there is no consensus 2.

ECDC Comment:

In Europe there are concerns that the use of respirators may not be practical in routine settings3, and it is reported that there are concerns that this may
  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Interim Guidance for Infection Control for Care of Patients with Confirmed or Suspected Novel Influenza A (H1N1) Virus Infection in a Healthcare Setting. http://www.cdc.gov/h1n1flu/guidelines_infection_control.htm
  2. CDC Telebriefing on Investigation of Human Cases of Novel Influenza A (H1N1) transcript http://www.cdc.gov/media/transcripts/2009/t090618.htm
  3. Phin NF, Rylands AJ, Allan J, Edwards C, Enstone JE, Nguyen-Van-Tam JS.Personal protective equipment in an influenza pandemic: a UK simulation exercise. J Hosp Infect. 2009 Jan;71(1):15-21. Epub 2008 Nov 17

Table 1: Reported new confirmed cases and cumulative number of influenza A(H1N1)v as of 23 June 2009, 17:00 hours (CEST) in the EU and EFTA countries

[Country - Confirmed cases reported in the last 24h - Cumulative number of confirmed cases - Deaths among confirmed cases*]
  1. Austria ... - 10 - ...
  2. Belgium 1 - 31 - ...
  3. Bulgaria ... - 2 - ...
  4. Cyprus 1 - 5 - ...
  5. Czech Republic ... - 7 - ...
  6. Denmark 3 - 31 - ...
  7. Estonia ... - 5 - ...
  8. Finland 13 - 26 - ...
  9. France ... - 150 - ...
  10. Germany 23 - 301 - ...
  11. Greece ... - 51 - ...
  12. Hungary ... - 7 - ...
  13. Iceland ... - 4 - ...
  14. Ireland ... - 23 - ...
  15. Italy 8 - 96 - ...
  16. Latvia 1 - 1
  17. Luxembourg 1 - 3 - ...
  18. Netherlands 5 - 110 - ...
  19. Norway 2 - 22 - ...
  20. Poland ... - 13 - ...
  21. Portugal ... - 6 - ...
  22. Romania 1 - 19 - ...
  23. Slovakia 1 - 4 - ...
  24. Slovenia ... - 1 - ...
  25. Spain 17 - 539 - ...
  26. Sweden 1 - 55 - ...
  27. Switzerland 5 - 32 - ...
  28. United Kingdom 132 - 2905 - 1
  • Total 215 - 4459 - 1
  • Note: cases reported in the EU and EFTA countries correspond to the EWRS notifications by Member States or Ministry of Health websites.
  • (*) Deaths are included in the cumulative number of confirmed cases

Table 2: Reported cumulative number of confirmed cases and deaths of influenza A(H1N1)v as of 23 June 2009, 17:00 hours (CEST) outside of the EU and EFTA area

[Country -  Confirmed cases reported in the last 24h -  Cumulative number of confirmed cases - Deaths among confirmed cases*]
  1. Montenegro ... - 1 - ...
  2. Russian Federation ... - 3 - ...
  3. Ukraine ... - 1 - ...
  1. Algeria 1 - 2 - ...
  2. Bahrain ... - 15 - ...
  3. Egypt 6 - 40 - ...
  4. Israel 77 - 346 - ...
  5. Jordan 1 - 13 - ...
  6. Kuwait 8 - 26 - ...
  7. Lebanon ... - 12 - ...
  8. Morocco 1 - 9 - ...
  9. Occupied Palestinian Territory ... - 8 - ...
  10. Oman ... - 3 - ...
  11. Qatar 7 - 10 - ...
  12. Saudi Arabia 5 - 39 - ...
  13. Turkey ... - 20 - ...
  14. United Arab Emirates ... - 2 - ...
  15. Yemen 1 - 5 - ...
  1. Ethiopia ... - 2 - ...
  2. South Africa ... - 1 - ...
  1. Canada 747 - 6457 - 15
  2. Mexico ... - 7624 - 113
  3. **USA ... - 21449 - 87
  1. Bahamas ... - 2 - ...
  2. Barbados ... - 4 - ...
  3. Bermuda ... - 2 - ...
  4. British Virgin Islands ... - 1 - ...
  5. Cayman Islands ... - 4 - ...
  6. Costa Rica 39 - 188 - 1
  7. Cuba ... - 15 - ...
  8. Dominica ... - 1 - ...
  9. Dominican Republic 6 - 99 - 2
  10. El Salvador ... - 160 - ...
  11. Guatemala 27 - 235 - 1
  12. Honduras 10 - 118 - ...
  13. Jamaica 4 - 19 - ...
  14. ***Martinique ... - 1 - ...
  15. ****Netherlands Antilles ... - 4 - ...
  16. Nicaragua 45 - 189 - ...
  17. Panama ... - 330 - ...
  18. Suriname ... - 11 - ...
  19. Trinidad-Tobago ... - 25 - ...
  1. Argentina 95 - 1203 - 10
  2. Bolivia 3 - 26 - ...
  3. Brazil 25 - 240 - ...
  4. Chile ... - 4315 - 4
  5. Colombia 1 - 69 -  2
  6. Ecuador ... - 95 - ...
  7. Paraguay ... - 48 - ...
  8. Peru 77 - 218 - ...
  9. Uruguay 159 - 195 - ...
  10. Venezuela ... - 92 - ...
  1. China 68 - 461 - ...
  2. Hong Kong SAR 28 - 348 - ...
  3. India ... - 50 - ...
  4. Japan 43 - 892 - ...
  5. Korea (South) 31 - 115 - ...
  6. Macao 2 - 5 - ...
  7. Sri Lanka 3 - 4 - ...
  8. Taiwan ... - 61 - ...
  1. Laos PDR 1 - 2 - ...
  2. Malaysia 35 - 58 - ...
  3. Philippines ... - 445 - 1
  4. Singapore 26 - 168 - ...
  5. Thailand 71 - 589 - ...
  6. Vietnam 7 - 56 - ...
  1. *****Australia 124 - 2857 - 2
  2. ***French Polynesia ... - 1 - ...
  3. New Zealand 61 - 364 - ...
  4. Papua New Guinea ... - 1 - ...
  5. Samoa ... - 1 - ...
  • TOTAL 1845 - 50475 - 238
  • Note: cases reported in non-EU and EFTA countries correspond to cases published on Ministry of Health websites, or through WHO, or through credible media source quoting national authorities. Therefore, some of these cases may be taken out at a  later stage if not validated.
  • (*) Deaths are included in the cumulative number of confirmed cases
  • (**) Cases in the US include both probable and confirmed cases. Cases reported from the US include confirmed cases from Puerto Rico.
  • (***) The cases in Martinique and French Polynesia were reported by France
  • (****) Three of the cases are reported to occur in a cruise ship in Curacao.
  • (*****) One Australian case reported from a cruise ship.

  • The Swine Flu Survival Guide Click Here!


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